2016年11月23日 星期三


It is very difficult to define what democracy means.  It comes in all shapes and forms.  We would love to believe that America is a democracy and the UK is also a democracy.  In fact, it is not a black and white thing - it has different shades of meaning to it.  A lot of people lament that democracy in America is dead, because they have got a new president in Donald Trump.  They believe that the very fact that he has been elected the new president is sufficient to prove democracy is not working.

Obviously, without first defining what democracy means before going into all sorts of problems with democracy (whatever that term means) is futile and probably not worth your time reading this article.  Loosely, I think democracy can be said to be a political system in which people can freely vote and elect to be voted to public office without hindrance.  The voting system itself must be fair meaning one person one vote and each vote carries the same weight.  According to these principles, democracy is not a point but a spectrum.

For example, the US system would fail these principles.  Clinton won the popular votes but lost the collegial votes due to the fact that the presidential election is not a direct one.  Therefore, each vote in a smaller state would often carry more weight than one in a bigger state, say California.  This compromise is built-in in the US system so that smaller states would still have a say in the Federation.

Apart from the fairness dimension of a democracy, any political system including democracy (no matter what that means) must be able to regenerate itself from time to time.  Sadly, all system be it physical, biological or social will all become degenerate and corrupted over time.  You may probably call it the second law of thermodynamics - all orderliness will become orderless over time.

After the election, we heard that Clinton was blamming the FBI and we-don't-know-what for her loss in the election.  This reflects how detached the US elite of which she is a member has become over the past decades.  Clinton lost because she ignored the unfairness and the injustice of the system which has made the rich richer and poor poorer.  This only proves why she would never win this election in the present social context of uncontrolled globalisation which is the root cause of where we are at this point.

This is the beauty of the system - when someone so entrenched in the vested interest of the Establishment - the system will be forced to regenerate itself because they will be voted out of the office and, someone else would have a chance to start anew.  Of course, they may not succeed where others have failed and they will also become corrupted in time before they are in trun being voted out again.

In short, Donald Trump as the new president is not itself a problem.  It is only symtomatic of the underlining problems of the system.  Trump was elected because the system is corrupted and people want to have a real change from the status quo.  Ironically, this proves that the system is working, as it is trying to regenerate itself.

2016年11月10日 星期四

Where do we go from here?

It is tempting for us to predict what will happen in future.  However, more often than not these predictions will later be proved to be wrong.  Nevertheess, if we look from a distance and try not to pass the woods for the tree, we may be able to see things in their proper perspective.  That said, how will Donald Trump use his powers and what consequences there will be for the world of his actions or inactions?

Again, if we get to the bottom of it, it is actually a problem of fair distribution of wealth and opportunity (or rather the lack of it).  People have expectation that there should be a leveled playing field so that everyone would have a fair opportunity to succeed if they choose to work hard enough.  Sadly, the reality is just the opposite and becoming more and more so.  People are so angered and frustrated that they would have chosen anyone other than someone who is perceived as within the Establishment as the next president of the USA.  It is really in this context someone so unfit for that office has been elected the next president.

Ironically, history will prove in the coming years that someone as unfit as Donald Trump would actually have turned things around if he would indeed carry his words into action.  It sounds contradictory, does it not?  When we say he is unfit for the office, we are thinking conventionally and presume only someone within the Establishment is fit for this office.  Don't forget that the Establishment has grown so corrupted and detached from the people in the past few decades, it is precisely because Donald Trump is so unfit for the office that makes him fit for that office.

What is so interesting about the trajectory of human affairs and history is that it seldom develops predictably in a linear way.  There is a real chance that Donald Trump - someone seemingly coming out of the woodwork - could make history.  Don't forget that a lot of this uneven distribution of wealth and opportunity stems from the globalization of trade which has provided the capitalists with a system in which to exploit the labour on a global scale.  Yes, the pie has got bigger but the Establishment has also grabbed a much bigger portion of the pie.  People on the lower rungs of the ladder are left with ever less wealth and opportunity.  A rising tide does not lift all boats, because the globalization of trade is not a rising tide.

The truth of the fact is that trade ipso facto is not good.  There is a distinction between good trade and bad trade.  Probably no one today would say slave trade is good.  Slave trade is certainly good and profitable for those who trade in it.  But it is not good, because it is not fair and immoral and inhumane.  Most economists who are themselves also part of the Establishment would tend to blind us from this important distinction.  They know the price of every thing but the value of nothing.  Then, what is good trade?  The trade that is fair and just and enhances the value for everyone involved in it is good.  The current system of world trade is not.  Therefore, it should be rolled back.

There must be a connection between the incomes of the labour and the profit of the company so that unscrupulous exploitation of the labour by the capitalists can be rooted out.  For example, if the company that makes iphones must be made by law to return a certain percentage of the profits to the labour as part of their wages on top of what they have already been paid, the company would still be encouraged to make as much profit as possible.  But, its employees would also benefit from the increased profit.  This would take away the exploitative dimension of the company which has always been factored in its formula for making profit.  This should be the case regardless where in the world the company chooses to make its iphones (just as an example) be it in China or the USA.  If this percentage point is properly set, the company may indeed choose to make its iphones in the USA, because there is no exploitative dimension it can take advantage of the labour in China.  More working opportunities will be left in the USA, hence a fairer distribution of wealth and opportunity.

Efficiency is only part of the formula; justice and fairness is far more important than efficiency itself.  Efficiency is not an end in itself and must be made to serve justice and fairness.  Efficiency represents the price of things but the true value of things lies in justice and fairness.  If and only if Donald Trump sees things in the same light, there is a real opportunity for him to turn things around.

2016年7月28日 星期四

The next president

The show thus far of the race for the White House has certainly taken an ugly turn.  The man best qualified for the post has dropped out of the race - Bernie Sanders.  He is best qualified, because it appears that amongst all the candidates only Sanders is willing to bring some real change to the country and take on the establishment.  There is evidence that at least partly due to the Democratic Party's rigged internal system Sanders is now not on the Democrats' ticket.

Now we are left with these two people on offer - Hilary Clinton on the left and Donald Trump on the right.  This is truely a choice of the lesser of two evils.  Voters who are old enough would still have difficulties in recalling when it was the last time that they were faced with such a hard choice.

To understand why this is a hard choice, one must first have a grip on the current problems of the country.  Obviously, there are many social problems facing society today.  To name just a few - poverty, inequality, gun control, security.  However, one must not lose sight of the root cause to all these social problems facing the country, and more broadly the world today, i.e. globalisation.

Understandably, not everyone share the above view of globalisation.  There are many who have benefited from it the last three decades.  The problem is there are many more who are left behind and outside the door of globalisation.  Inequality is the issue.

Back to our original issue.  Who should you vote for, Clinton or Trump?  The voters can only take their decision on the basis of what these two people have said and done in the past.  First, Clinton is an insider through and through.  She has been there for too long (read this as too intertwined with the vested interest of the establishment) to be able to bring any change.  It's all business as usual for Clinton no matter what rhetoric she uses.

Next come Trump.  A man who has a proven track record of labour exploitation, and relentless business dealings.  He is a man who would say anything to get what he wants (read this as he has no principles and no ideology).  Whatever later turns out to suit his best interest at the time, he would go back on his words without hesitation.  You cannot trust this man for a single second, because he is trying to figure out every second how to make use of you.

Obviously, voters may also consider voting the Liberals or the Greens or not at all.  If there are enough voters who decide to vote say the Greens, they may actually create enough momentum to bring about some real change to the present corrupted system.  The problem though is it is a two party system and, any candidate from other than the two main parties stands a slim chance of being elected.

Come November this year, if you still care enough to vote my advice to you is - hold your nose and vote for Trump.  Yes, he still is an invertebrate liar.  However, hopefully the checks and balances in the ssytem will limit whatever damage he may be able to wreak.  If he becomes the president, his business instincts would tell him that it works for him with his tactics.  Don't forget - he is an unprincipled bloke.  He would say whatever no matter he means it or not to get what he wants.  But when it comes to reality, he would always take what's best for him, and by extension hopefully for the country.

Yes, indeed this is an interesting ride from now to November this year.  Let the show roll on.

2016年7月27日 星期三

An autocracy's dilemma

A classic difficulty for any system is control and efficiency - the more control one has the less efficient will be the system.  This is a millenia old dilema for any political system as well.  There is a tendency for a part of the society that is lucky enough to rise up to the highest political echelon to retain that control as much as and as long as possible.  A particular example is the Chinese Communist Party in the present day China.

The dilema lies in the unsolvable difficulty in maintaining control over the system and keeping up with the efficiency of the system itself.  As with other systems in general, a political system in order to survive must tackle with and solve the issue of economic efficiency of the system, i.e. the society over which it tries to maintain constant control.  Without a sufficent level of economic efficiency, the marginal return on investment will stagnate and eventually diminish.  Society as a whole will not be able to remain its productivity as a result of the lack of efficiency.

To keep up with that ellusive economic efficiency, an autocracy must loosen up its grips on the system economically at first and, subsequently up to certain point politically.  However, the process of lossening up will undermine its much treasured control of the system.  This would inevitably lead to the opening up of the political system, as in the case of Taiwan, or the demise of the antocratic regime itself.  The CCP is presently subject to the dictates of its survival instincts - that is it is trying to retain its control and stifle any discontent as much as possible.

In doing so, the system itself would gradually become less and less efficient.  The evidence for this is apparently the building up of the debt heaps.  Now that the system is becoming less efficient, the autocratic control over it will become more difficult.  The reason for this problem is - the energy of society which would have been diverted to economic activities would now be used against the very autocratic regime itself.  As a result, more resources of the society will be used by the regime to maintain its control over the system, hence worsening the efficiency even further.  A good example is the five-cents army of the CCP.

The other option for the autocrat will be to forego its control at all whatsoever.  This is truely a choice between a rock and a hard place.  The fact that the ruling echelon may continue to suck up the fats of the land is predicate upon the fact that, for example, the CCP continue to dictate the lives of billions of Chinese people.  This is simply not an option open to them.

Historically, there has been no autocratic one-party system that has succeeded in solving this dilema between control and efficiency.  The former Soviet Union is a good example.  All the Chinese dynasties have been in a sense one-party systems and have all failed in the same way spectacularly.  Therefore, at some point of its development the tension between control and efficiency would grow so severe as to break up the very fibrics of the autocrat's control once and for all.  An autocratic system is indeed a very undesirable model for progress of civilization, because it lacks any linearity for progress.  An autocratic system will inevitably make and then break and repeat the process again by another bunch of blokes.

The beauty of this dilema is so clear that it is almost as inherent in the nature of things as a physical law.  All are subject to the dictates and effect of this dilema be it democracy or autocracy.

An autocracy's dilemma

A classic difficulty for any system is control and efficiency - the more control one has the less efficient will be the system.  This is a millenia old dilema for any political system as well.  There is a tendency for a part of the society that is lucky enough to rise up to the highest political echelon to retain that control as much as and as long as possible.  A particular example is the Chinese Communist Party in the present day China.

The dilema lies in the unsolvable difficulty in maintaining control over the system and keeping up with the efficiency of the system itself.  As with other systems in general, a political system in order to survive must tackle with and solve the issue of economic efficiency of the system, i.e. the society over which it tries to maintain constant control.  Without a sufficent level of economic efficiency, the marginal return on investment will stagnate and eventually diminish.  Society as a whole will not be able to remain its productivity as a result of the lack of efficiency.

To keep up with that ellusive economic efficiency, an autocracy must loosen up its grips on the system economically at first and, subsequently up to certain point politically.  However, the process of lossening up will undermine its much treasured control of the system.  This would inevitably lead to the opening up of the political system, as in the case of Taiwan, or the demise of the antocratic regime itself.  The CCP is presently subject to the dictates of its survival instincts - that is it is trying to retain its control and stifle any discontent as much as possible.

In doing so, the system itself would gradually become less and less efficient.  The evidence for this is apparently the building up of the debt heaps.  Now that the system is becoming less efficient, the autocratic control over it will become more difficult.  The reason for this problem is - the energy of society which would have been diverted to economic activities would now be used against the very autocratic regime itself.  As a result, more resources of the society will be used by the regime to maintain its control over the system, hence worsening the efficiency even further.  A good example is the five-cents army of the CCP.

The other option for the autocrat will be to forego its control at all whatsoever.  This is truely a choice between a rock and a hard place.  The fact that the ruling echelon may continue to suck up the fats of the land is predicate upon the fact that, for example, the CCP continue to dictate the lives of billions of Chinese people.  This is simply not an option open to them.

Historically, there has been no autocratic one-party system that has succeeded in solving this dilema between control and efficiency.  The former Soviet Union is a good example.  All the Chinese dynasties have been in a sense one-party systems and have all failed in the same way spectacularly.  Therefore, at some point of its development the tension between control and efficiency would grow so severe as to break up the very fibrics of the autocrat's control once and for all.  An autocratic system is indeed a very undesirable model for progress of civilization, because it lacks any linearity for progress.  An autocratic system will inevitably make and then break and repeat the process again by another bunch of blokes.

The beauty of this dilema is so clear that it is almost as inherent in the nature of things as a physical law.  All are subject to the dictates and effect of this dilema be it democracy or autocracy.

2016年7月8日 星期五

A mid-summer night's walk

A mid-summer night's walk
On once familiar path
To places long last passed
Vivid images reflected 'long the way
Old melodies reverb'rated all over 'gain
On the journey of life we march
Holding onto the remains of past
Which is slippin' 'way fast
It's yesterday once mo' 'n' future no mo'

~ In memory of the death of my past

2016年7月1日 星期五

The next PM

Who should be the next PM? For a start, the next PM will come from the Conservatives, unless the the Conservatives decide to call a general election. Of course, given the present divided state we find the Labours in, they may not want one at this point, either.

Since the now famous Article 50 sets out the two year period in which the exit mechanism shall be completed, the new PM has to be someone who can unite not just a divided Conservative Party but also a disunited country in a relatively short span of time.

As the votes show, the leave supporters are roughly similar in number as the remain supporters. I reckon that nation wide there may be slightly more people in the remain camp than the leave camp. If that was not true before 23 July 2016, it certainly is the case now.

What this will mean to the new PM is from whichever camp she (yes, I mean she.) is to be selected, about half the country's population in the opposite camp may distrust her as well as those in the Tories. Without this trust and confidence, it would be hard for her to negotiate any new terms with the EU.

Say, if a leaver (if this is a proper term) becomes the next PM, the vindictive Europeans may tend to make it hard on the UK when it comes to negotiating new terms. Those in the remain camp may resort to foot dragging creating more difficulties and say we told you so before.

Bo Jo may have sensed this difficulties and realised that the water is still too shallow for a full plunge at this point. In any event, Bo Jo should probably never see his days as a PM. I confess that I am not a great fan of his. I do not admire his hairdo (if indeed this is a proper word). I suspect that it is not even naturally blond and someone should help him comb his hair if he is not minded to do so. Anyway, at this point he is perceived as having stabbed David Cameron in the back. His political allies may not forget and forgive Bo Jo so lightly. He is cunning enough to pull out now and bid his time.

That said, it may be more advisable to have a remainer (again my apologies for this term) as the next PM. She would probably receive more sympathy from the Europeans on negotiating new terms and understanding or benefit of doubt from either camp.

I just hope the UK will not see another Maggie Thatcher whose policies till towards the rich and have made the poor miserable. In short, this is indeed uncertain times. Just when the UK needs to have the most capable leader at the helm to steer the country out of troubled waters, it finds itself lacking exactly this.

2016年6月24日 星期五

To leave or not to leave

Now it is official - the result has come in and people have voted to leave the EU. You may have wondered what the fuss this is all about. What are the significances of the UK leaving the EU? Or more pressing or relevant - what does it mean to you, an ordinary person on this side of the Globe? The short answer is probably not very much. However, it may mean a lot to your children and their children.

Let us put things in proper perspective. Things have not, except for the worse, changed a bit since 2008. Those in power, or positions that could make a change, are too complacent or too obsessed with their own self interest to have initiated any meaningful change to this unjust and unbalanced system (read this as the bankers and property magnates). The rich have become richer and the poor the poorer. The haves are holding on to their excesses and surplus, whilst the have nots have nothing to put on their table.

This global imbalance started in the late 1980's or early 1990's when the rich and their political agents began touting the 'merits' of globalisation and its institutional incarnate - the WTO. Their eyes can see only the price but not the value. In the name of economic efficiency, they are able to exploit the poor more efficiently and on a global scale. Never has it been before in human history easier and to a much bigger extent than the past two decades or so for the poor to get poorer. And all this has happened in the name of globalisation.

Now, the people have awoken to this true reality. The UK referendum is not so much about leaving the EU than a vote of revolt by the have nots against the haves. Real change is demanded of the complacent and, now is the time - not tomorrow and not the day after. As with their ancesters 800 years ago, the English have again set in motion this new sea change. You will soon witness in country after country the poor start demanding fairness and justice from this unjust institution. Don't be surprised if Donald Trump is elected president of the United States in November this year.

Obviously, this is going to be a long drawn out process, for the rich will not yield up what they are wielding so easily. However, the fire has been set and, it will surely spread, because the poor are fed up with this injustice for too long. Do you still remember when the last person said 'yes, we can'? Yet there is nothing we can do.

Let this date 23 June 2016 go down in history as did such dates as 4 July and 14 July. When the events of the present have run their course, and dust settled, you will see the true significance of the moment and realise that you have been part of that history having been in the making. Even better, if you are lucky and live long enough, you could live to tell the tales to your grandchildren.

God bless the people. Amen.

2016年5月8日 星期日

法律 x 歷史


之後,大家會問法律和歷史有什麼關係呢?而它們之間的關係和大家又有什麼關係呢?如果和大家沒有什麼關係,看不看本文又有什麼關係呢?首先,若果大家只對個人的利益才關心,大家只會是一個好狹窄的人。繼續睇 cctvb ,應該係唔錯的選擇。話說回來,法律和歷史的確和大家有所關係的,就算不是直接關係,也算得上是間接的。

法律的關係應該較易說明。只要大家想像沒有法律時,社會會變成怎麼樣子,大家自然就會明白了 - 在1967年到1977年間,偉大的無產階級文化大革命中的中國社會就是一個無法無天的情境。所以,當有法律時,大家不會覺得它的重要,到沒有時,法律的重要就好明顯了。


如果大家同意過去二百年人類的歷史進程是從獨裁走向民主的話,那麼,在此進程中,法律就扮演一個重要的角色 - 在法律的規範下把權力分配到人民的手上。雖然,很多時候並非直接放到人民的手上,而是議會代表的手上。換言之,法律就是民主得以表述的機制。筆者好多時聽到有人用菲律賓,或者,印度等國家做例子,用以說明民主對經濟無幫助。首先,這些國家算不算上民主先不說,但它們都有一特點 - 法律制度跟不上。


2016年5月6日 星期五





一般而言,細行的五至十年經驗的律師,每小時收費大約二千元至四千元不等。同樣年資的律師,在大行就要四千元至六千元了。當然,一位律師的年資只能代表一般情況下他的能力。例如,一位五年經驗的律師可能會省過一位十年經驗的。理由可能係,前者做過大量有關的業務,而後者就做得較少。或者,前者較聰明。筆者經驗所見,一位律師最初五年的進步會比較大,第二個五年,進步要慢得多了。十年和二十年經驗的分別可能已經不會明顯了。所以,五至十年經驗的應該最底用 - more bang for your bucks。


總而言之,聘用律師前要先定立好書面的聘用書,內有明確的明文收費條款。日後就可以減少有關收費不公的爭議。緊記,揾律師同上的士一樣  -  千祈唔好上錯林過雲嗰架雨夜的士呀!

2016年5月2日 星期一

法律 x 政治




到這時,你聽我講的,已經聽得不耐煩了。好啦,好啦,法律和政治都與老子有關了。法律和政治之間又有何關係呢?法律和政治就好比朱古力奶一樣 - 如果朱古力味太重,牛奶味就無曬;如果牛奶味太重,朱古力味又唔夠。意思指,法律和政治有不同的社會角色,之間又互相相連,互相制衡。簡單來說,把法律的交回法律,把政治的交回政治。




2016年4月30日 星期六









2016年4月23日 星期六










2016年4月15日 星期五


唔知大家有無同朋友合作做生意呢?如果生意開始時唔算做得好大(通常都是這樣開始的),大家可能會用 partnership 的形式,或者,用註冊公司的形式。前者一般比較非正式,可能口講就算,大家只是所謂 bound by honour , 並非受正式法律所限。有啲正式啲,例如律師行的 partnership , 一定會用書面協議。更加多保障的,就應該用註冊公司了。


前者會怎樣出事呢?無事就無事。如果意見不合,因為無人有過半數的股權,真係做什麼都不成。連選董事,都要過半數股權先做得到。如果兩位都係董事,如果意見不合,開董事會議都無足夠 quorum 。簡而言之,就係 deadlock 。後者又會點呢?就係大股東蝦細股東,所有只需要簡單大多數股權就可通過的議案,大股東就可以事。

所以,同朋友合組公司時,應該正式做好法律文件,例如,shareholders agreement ,loan agreement , 和 debenture 。到有事時,就有法律文件的保護。最好就係大家同意分家,和平分手。這樣係成本最底的。如果事情並沒有按這情況發生,股權糾紛又可以怎樣發展呢?

通常,受壓股東一方可以用所謂 unfair prejudice 的理據向法庭提出清盤的申請。就算目的不是最終要公司清盤,因為公司可能好揾錢,但沒有好多資產,清盤對相方都不是最有利的結果。可能所謂 buy out order 係最好的結果。通常係用一個合理的價格細股東把其股權賣畀大權東。所以,向法庭提出清盤申請只是一種 tactic ,逼大股東坐低講數。因為,清盤的結果對佢都不利,理性會叫佢和解。

筆者的經驗所見,都常去到呢個位,大家就會有計傾啦。出嚟行多數係為銀,唔係為氣。當然,唔係所有結局都係和解。燒鵝記單嘢,就上曬報紙啦。兄弟間啲嘢,真係唔只錢銀般簡單。條氣有時比錢更加重要。呢啲係律師的 dream case 。不過就希望唔會發生在閣下身上了。

2016年4月13日 星期三








當然,你的漏水問題最終都會解決到。除非,你的運氣差到,樓上漏水落你樓下的單位,樓上業主又死口唔認,又唔揾人維修,到你入稟告佢,佢又揾到個死打形的律師同你玩到底。如果,上述問題一連串地發於  閣下身上,你唔應該去揾律師 - 你去揾黃大仙啦,或者,去揾上帝。


2016年4月9日 星期六


信託 -

幾年前有單新聞係巴拿馬信託單嘢。於是,信託又再次被人談論。信託可分為 on shore 及 off shore 兩種。巴拿馬嗰種屬於後者。意思即係成立人,即 settlor ,並非當地人,但管轄該信託的法律為相關的巴拿馬法律。

大家會問,使大量律師費成立一個離岸信託為什麼?好處好多。主要係唔想其他人知道你有的財富。一般的做法,先成立一間 BVI 公司,財主成為公司的股東及董事。所有唔見得光的財產,就用這間 BVI 公司持有。然後,成立一個巴拿馬離岸信託,把上述的公司股份 declare 為信託下的 trust fund 。以後再用 letters of wishes 去畀指令巴拿馬的專業信託人去如何管理信託資產。由於無人會知道 BVI 公司背後誰是股東及董事,就唔會有人知道財主是誰。


由於上述離岸信託要透過 BVI 及巴拿馬的有關專業人士先可以做到,筆者無相關經驗。筆者只會做近岸信託,即以香港法律為 proper law 。上述一切同離岸信託有關的好處,近岸信託都冇。大家會問做近岸信託嚟托呀?



2016年4月8日 星期五


合約糾紛 -


一般這種大工程的糾紛要打五至七年。律師費要過千萬。大家現知道起高鐵,醫院就要 cut budget 哪。當然,日常對大家最有直接影響的唔係呢種大工程,而係例如,僱員合約,小型裝修工程合約等等。所以大家會比較關心這種合約若發生糾紛時的處理方法。


好多時這種小型工程合約條款都寫得比較簡單,只有項目的金額,手工費,交貨的時間。而在工程進行期間,往往屋主又會要求改動工程,即 variation orders ,如果當中有計算不清的話,最後發生合約糾紛的機會都幾大。


所以,對屋主的法律保障,合約實際能發揮的作用可能都幾有限。這時,較能幫到屋主的可能係小心選擇承建商,先問下朋友,叫佢介紹用過的裝修佬。當然,如果已經出事,就要揾律師,出律師信,或進一步入稟告佢。問題係,唔係每一個裝修佬都值得告。若佢無錢畀你,贏左都只係 paper judgment 。

2016年4月5日 星期二


求情 - 只希望閣下不會碰上此劇情。因為當你需要律師幫你求情時,就可能有兩種情況己經發生在閣下的身上了:第一,你未經審訊就己認罪,或者,第二,經過審訊閣下被法庭定罪。律師在此情此景下,就要同你求情了。目的就係希望法庭會減輕刑罰。當然,若果閣下係無律師代表的,你就要自行求情了。




法官判刑時講,同被告講,你聽到你律師頭先講啦,你要知道案情係個別,你要珍惜呢次教訓。最後,法官只判社會服務今。呢個係好的指示,因為法官重覆律師的講法,即代表認同睇法。叫做 strike the chord 。當然,唔係每一次客人都有好的求情理由畀律師啦。有時,客人前科滿營,求情的空間真係唔大。


2016年4月4日 星期一


是日清明,唔講法律啦!只分享下述舊作一篇 - 念亡母 - 藉以思念。唔好意思,小弟才疏,無中文版本。

Life to you was a burden too heavy;
Now, death has come as a release to ease.

Your love for us knew no bounds;
Now, reciprocation finds possibility no more.

We were part of you;
Now, a part of us has forever departed us.

Your every deed filled our needs;
Now, only every image of you can still fill our memory lanes.

Life could separate you from us;
Now, death shall in time join us together.

2016年4月2日 星期六







工友要注意,有時有啲公司,特別係地盤工程公司,好多時唔想保險第二年會加 loading ,唔報工傷,私下同工友和解,畀錢佢。工友就要小心啦!第一,公司唔報保險公司有意外發生左,或者遲左再報,保險公司係會 decline liability , 即唔賠。如果公司係無錢賠,工友就會中計。



2016年3月28日 星期一


爭產 - 






公司法又如何呢?早十年,燒鵝記單嘢,大佬同二佬争身家,就係打公司法啦!老豆係做生意,希望死後一家人繼續經營落去,所以以某種比例將股份分畀後人,但點分將來都可能會出問題。大股東蝦細股東,公司法下,細股東可向大股東提起訴訟,所謂 unfair prejudice 。要求合理價賣出股份,或公司清盤。


2016年3月26日 星期六




所以市民必須了解自己的權利,先可以保護個人的人權。筆者不願在此扮講師,但必先講明背後的理念,道理先會自然流出。人權係與生俱來(即self evidenced)。由於個人單靠一己之力,係好難保護個人的人權,所以大家組織左政府,之後組織左警察,這種組織都對個人自由有一定的限制,但出發點係用警權去保人權。


先講律師點幫你。如果你畀差佬周左,有兩種可能會發生的情形:第一種,佢地已經夠料做你,返警局只係例行工事,去落charge。第二種,未夠料,上左警車已經chok你,攞料。返到警局,就落口供,希望chok夠料,落charge做你。筆者經驗所見,通常情況係後者。這時,你一定要明白你的個人權利。首先,被調查人士係無義務協助警方調查的(係呀!叫你唔好睇今多警訊啦!)。其次,你有權揾律師一齊落口供。律師到前,你有權唔落口供,同保持緘默。筆者幾年前處理過一件案件,只係一蕉保持緘默,警方就落唔到charge,最終close file。可算代表作啦!



2016年3月25日 星期五


律師信 - 客人好多時揾律師,就係出律師信。到底幾時要出律師信,而律師信的目的及功效又如何呢?一般嚟講,客人對某人有申索,而申索的法律基礎為:違約,侵權,租務,人身傷亡,等等。出律師信就係向對家提出你的要求,要佢係指定的時間內回覆要求。講得白啲,就係嚇下佢。


當然,出左律師信後,嚇唔到對方,都唔代表你一定要入稟去告對方的。入稟與否,主要考慮兩方面:第一、你的法律理據有幾强,即俗語所謂有無 case ;第二、對家的可能反應係點?





2016年3月23日 星期三





由於香港的醫學界長久存在醫醫相衞的情況,筆者為客人揾適合的醫學專家去撰寫專家報告時,通常不會選擇本地的醫學專家。英國的醫學專家通常更專業同操守更佳。很奇怪,英國的醫學專家收費一般要比本地的平宜。筆者現時正處理一件醫療失誤的案件,有關的英國專家看完了有關的醫學記錄之後,在無須撰寫專家報告下,己有專家意見,認為相關的香港醫生無違反責任,通知不用撰寫專家報告下,幫客人省下了一筆費用。本地專家發生這種情況機 會不大。




遺囑 - 
香港人傳統上對定立遺囑都有點不安。有如英國人所講的 tempting the faith 。有時等到情況很緊急時,才揾律師去辦理。筆者最近於一月時,就到訪了一間醫院為一位客人辦理了一份遺囑。客人已差不多八十歲了。並患上了末期癌症。很不幸,立遺囑後十二天便主懷安息。如果辦理的時間晚一個星期,客人的精神狀態可能已經不能立遺囑了。或者,再晚一點,主懷安息後亦再不能立了。





